Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Rangers Apprentice, Erak’s Ransom

Rangers Apprentice, Erak’s Ransom

Book 7

By John Flanagan

Before I start this review I would like to tell you that I might start game reviews.
Not just any games, video games!!!   (<’-‘>) Don’t be like that ugly, sad, fleshy face.
It might take me a bit longer to get them online but, but I’ll try make them longer ahhhh! Sorry, my cat creeped up on me and ‘meowed’ in my face, ok to the book review.

So, this book is where Erak is captured on a raid by Arrida. During the raid, as he was being captured, Erak sent Svengal to Araluen so to meet Will, Halt, Gilan, Horace and princess Cassandra (blow the trumpets) and ask them to help save him. When they find out that some one else took Erak from Arrida (is Erak a parcel?), they teamed teamed with Arrida to help find Erak.

In a SANDSTORM Tug (Will's horse) is blown away not, like, in the air but loses all his senses and is lost. Will, after nearly dying of hunger and stupidity finds Tug (smug grin), in the meantime Horace, Halt, Selethen and so on are captured (SERIOUSLY)! The name of the capturers of Erak, Horace, Halt etc is Tualaghi - Will goes to assault them with the Bedullin, the tribe who had saved Will from dehydration and stupidity (typical).

So now is where we talk rubbish, comments, ratings and other things.

This is the last book of Will being an Apprentice, pretty much a prequel of 4 and 5. Anyway, John Flanagan, his rating as an author for me is pretty high, quality and quantity pretty much lots of books and a lot of effort, that effort has paid off really, really, really well. Last bit my rating of this book is hhhhhhmmmmmm………  4 stars because the bits when Halt, Horace and Selethen were planning (during the time that Will was recovering Tug) were quite boring. If these chapters weren’t so boring I would have given it 4 and a half stars, too sad so bad the saying goes. GO JOHN FLANAGAN KEEP THOSE BOOKS COMING AT ME!!!!!

The rate tec out.

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